Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016


Pupils =students
Huge=big ><small
Cultural pressures : tekanan budaya
Youngster:anak muda
Change: perubahan
Snap: tidak akur
Lost touch : hilang komunikasi
Fortunately : untungnya
Notice m=see=pay attention
Snap out of it :menghibur,menenangkan
Escape=run away
Suicide: bunuh diri
Self injury : menyakiti diri sendiri
Vital=important = essential
No matter how : seberapa
Musik is my life

Hello friends this time I'ii tell you about aman application that i like one of the applications that i like in my phone  is "play music" .because by listening to music i will remember about the experience first somehow events that sad,happy or funny.by listening to music will echance the vomit my emotions in a state of sad, happy or unhappy.any music that i'm listening will describe the state of my heart and this time and with music anyway i can express, or express what i'm feeling right now.for me to listen to music is important to me because without hearing the music of my days feel saturated or boring.whenever i have free time , i always take the necessary time and ny phone to listen to music.in music we can devote all of which we feel in our hearts the way we sing the song.music is organized sound such that it ontains rythhm song and harmony,expecially,noise generated from tools that can generate rhythm.altrough the music is a kind of phenomenon of intuition to create and dedicate his repair is an art form.this is the reason i love this application. That is all and thank you .

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

Habibie and Ainun

Hello guys , this time i'ii tell you about a movie that depicts my life and my family . The film is a medium that not only has the function of entertainmen and education alone. But also inspired and motivate us in life that we often complain. In the presnce of the film we can learn a lot about each other.especiallly when the film is inspired by a true story , many massages and lessons can we draw from troughout the story , let this time i will tell about the movie "habibie and ainun" this movie tells a struggle of a habibie.of this film in a way that touched my heart , because this movie is like life in my family today , which at this moment my family and only immigrants in the city . And not much derision from the months those who told my family  that my parent would not be successfull to give higher education to her children . When people say that my parents just stopped and in this silence he will fight and will give happiness to his family , although not with the material . But with the love she gave to the family . And he will also prove to people that he could make a success of their children in the future . Okay that's all that i can say this obout a film that tells the life of me . Thank you 😊

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Catatan :

Simple present tense :
-digunakan untuk menyatakan habitual action atau rutinitis dan fakta-fakta umum

(+) S+V1 (S/ES)
(-) S+do /does + not + V1
(?) do/does + s v1

Simple past tense :
Digunakan untuk masa lampau

Rumus :
(+) s+v2
(-) s+did+not+ v1
(?) Did + s + v1

Present/past continous tense
-di gunakan untuk menyatakan kejadia yang sedang berlangsung

Rumus :
(+) s + be + Ving
(-) s + be + not + ving
(?) Be + S + ving

Simple future tense
-digunakan untuk mengekpresikan kejadian yang belum terjadi , masih di rencanakan atau kejadian di masa akan datang .

Rumus :
(+) s + will + v1
(-) s + will + not + v1
(?) Will + s + v1

Presen perfect tense
-digunakan untuk kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan hasilnya masih terasa atau terlihat

Rumus :
(+) s+has/have +v3
(-)s+has/have + not + v3
(?)has/have + s + v3

Mobile and makeup

Every time I wanted to go , there are two things that i always carry goods that are mobile and goods makeup.Two goods are verry omportand to me because i always use the mobile phone to capture every incident that happend around me and besides i used to take pictures selfie.And furthermore goods are goods makeup.Why i make makeup , items a items that must i bring ?
Because,every woman always want to look gorgeous when they are outside the home , and for me the woman will not be confident if their face were not visible fresh in front of others.my own example is when i started my working hours at my place of work , at that time i did not wear makeup at all because the waking up late.Then there costamer ask somethig goods to me , suddenly i just do not feel confident to communicate with the costamer because i felt at the time i wash not dressed without wearing makeup as usual .
That's why i chose these two items as items that should be mandotory i take when i'm gone .
Without bringing this stuff i feel uneasy every day.
Bacause thing that is always in the show was the appearance of a woman, both of the face or the wqy they dress.
I guess that's all i can write , thank you so much.